There has been a lot of malcontent out in our dental world these days. I understand we are all in a difficult time with this virus that is wreaking havoc all around the world, but it seems that we all need to take a step back and breathe. There are a lot of Facebook posts and comments that are not helpful, which is very upsetting to me since this is the world I grew up in and it holds a special place in my heart.
I do understand there is concern amongst employees about coming back to work. The unknown is scary. As team members, we must also understand that the doctors, as business owners, have a lot of unknowns and fears. How are they going to pay the bills? Will they lose patients? Will they lose employees?
The rhetoric I am seeing on Facebook is not helpful to anyone. I think everyone should take a step back and breathe for a minute. Now, let’s talk. But that is what needs to happen…we all need to talk. To our employer and our teams…not to people on Facebook.
Most of the times that GTS gets called into an office, the biggest complaint is lack of communication. Guys! We cannot have that right now. You all HAVE to communicate with each other. This means you! Doctors, assistants, hygienists, and administrators.
Start communicating. This may take being open and vulnerable about your concerns and fears, but it is also going to take patience on your part to listen to other people’s concerns and fears. We shared one of my new favorite quotes in the past couple of weeks and it holds true here. It is a quote by Harriet Lerner, “If we would only listen with the same passion we feel about wanting to be heard.”
Here are some conversation starters for you to open a line of dialogue with your team. Remember to be open with what you say as well as what you hear.
What new safety measures have been put in place?
What are your concerns for seeing patients?
What are your concerns about working?
How is it going to work with the new safety measures?
Is extra time going to be needed on the schedule?
Which team member is going to be in charge of the new safety measures in the office?
How is it all going to work?
It is okay to have questions. We all do. It is okay to ask those questions. And I know that some employers are more forthcoming with information than others, but please try. My concern is with all of the negativity I am seeing out on the world wide web. Please do not let this pandemic taint our industry. Let us all take the personal responsibility to do what is needed. If you do not feel comfortable going back to work, that is okay. Let’s just stay positive when speaking with and about each other.

Janice Janssen, RDH, CFE, Consultant
At age 14, Janice Janssen got an after-school job working for her dentist. Twenty-something years later, she is the co-founder of Global Team Solutions and an expert in practice consulting.
Besides hands-on experience, Janice has gained professional recognition for her hard work and commitment to excellence. She is co-author of OMG! Office Management Guide, the “bible” used in GTS training workshops. She is a member of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants (ADMC), and is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), which positions her as an expert in educating dentists to deter fraud and embezzlement in their practice.
Janice can be reached at: janice@gtsgurus.com